I am a Usui Reiki Ryoho Master Reiki Teacher. This Reiki practice is an energy healing method that was given to a Japanese doctor, Mikao Usui, on a mountaintop in 1922. It is a gift of acknowledging and feeling the energy system and flow that makes up each being and thing in our world. Reiki sessions are the process of re-balancing someone's energy flow in order to allow self healing by applying spiritually guided life force energy that gives life. Reiki practitioners are trained and attuned to facilitate the Divine energy flow to the individual with the intention of bringing the potential for complete healing for that person's greatest good. Reiki has no religious dogma and promotes peace, love, and harmony through all spiritual traditions.
A Reiki session is done in a private room like a massage therapy room. The client remains fully clothed and usually lies down on a massage table to receive treatment. It may be delivered in a sitting position instead, if that is more comfortable for the client. Hands are laid on the body and above the body to clear the energy field of blocks and that which no longer serves you and to deliver Divine energy as a process of re- establishing your own energy flow and balanced rhythm. Often intuitive insights related to your energy flow may be offered if you choose to receive them. In addition, Reiki with Healing Integration Sessions include discussion time to focus the treatment on a specific mental or emotional topic OR to integrate the insights delivered in the session into application for your progressive wellness practice. Reiki with Integration Sessions are 1.5 hours.
An Intuitive Life Coaching Session is a listening and healing integration session to identify personalized inner healing strategies for increasing resilience, strength, mental/emotional balance, inner peace, and happiness.
Find the way to your best YOU.
This session focuses on how to bring more harmony into your life by examining choices, patterns, or experiences that you may want to change. Through active listening and intuitive insights, discussion will help the individual hear themselves better to identify what perspective or approach may bring more peace. Productive ideas, strategies, and response may be shared with the objective of meeting the client's personal goals for the session(s). 45 minutes discussion time. In and out in 1 hour. Sessions may be scheduled on an "as needed" basis.
Private or group Posture Training is available with adequate notice for scheduling space. Posture training may include taking a profile picture on your own device for reference. Instruction will be given for muscle activation sequences that help establish a neutral spine posture to promote a decrease in muscle strain, joint wear, pain and fatigue, and to facilitate more energetic and efficient use of your body. Sitting and standing positions will be discussed for ease in maintaining more healthy postures. Stretching recommendations may be included. 19 years of physical therapy experience fuel the strategies that will be instructed. This training does not replace official medical care. If you are under the care of a medical professional, please contact them prior to scheduling a Posture Training Session.
Body mechanics are the safe strategies for functional movement of our body with the intent to use muscles for the right job and prevent injury. This includes using proper posture, bending, lifting, and reaching techniques, and balance to most effectively perform physical tasks without injury. Classes can be focused for specific tasks, for age and functional ability level, or generalized. May be instructed in a group or individual session per preference. Please inquire for more information. Experience shared is from 19 years as a licensed Physical Therapist Assistant. This level of instruction is geared to the general public and does not include nor replace therapeutic evaluation and treatment through a licensed Physical Therapist.
Wisdom and Wellness Workshops include topics such as how to manage being overwhelmed and strategies to build inner peace. Topics may range from discovering and claiming your personal value to how to live as your genuine self in all of your roles in life. Based on my own journey from stress and discontent to living peace and joy daily, I have learned a great deal. I draw from my many resources and experience to deliver practical approaches for changing your daily experience through learning who you are, what you want, and how to BE all that you are meant to be. Life wisdom for All age groups. Custom topics can be designed specific to your group with advanced planning. Also available: Caregiving, Stretching, and other Wellness topics as interest dictates. Contact me for more info.
With my 19 years of experience as a licensed physical therapist assistant, I will teach you the insights and techniques to protect your body while assisting others with movement. Not only do I teach the physical transfer strategies, I also share valuable perspective to help you decide the best way to care for your loved ones while still caring for yourself. The best path is not always easy to see when we are dealing with the emotions of change. You deserve support and care even as you are caring for others. Caregiver training can be taught in a private individual or private small group session and also as a group workshop open to the general public. Life Coaching may be a valuable option to help you through the bigger changes. Call to learn more and to request individual or a group class. Scheduling will be on demand.
We have the power to heal our lives by taking care of who we are.
Online Booking open for FRIDAY sessions now held at 6822 Grand Ave or virtually!
*Reiki: 1 hr, or 1.5 hr w / Healing Integration
*30 min Personal Energy Reading
*Intuitive Life Coaching
Email/Call/Contact Me to schedule.
inharmony.life@gmail.com or book directly from www.inharmony.life
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