1. You email me your Wisdom Question between Thursday morning and Tuesday night at inharmony.life@gmail.com or use the Contact Us feature at www.inharmony.life. Include your question and a BRIEF description of the barrier to reaching your goal or preferred outcome.
2. You will then receive a reply email with an ID Code to reference your Wisdom Reply video which will be posted the next Wednesday on Facebook and Instagram.
3. With Your ID Code email, you will also receive donation information for Venmo and Cash App and the opportunity to choose an exchange rate of $5, $8, or $11, or a higher amount of your choosing if so inspired.
4. On Wednesday following your submission, scroll Facebook and/or Instagram and look for your ID Code to watch the video response to your Wisdom Question. This keeps the information confidential and still allows all of us the benefit of learning with you.
5. If you want a private response, you may receive this option 1 x . If you want further unpublished communication, please schedule an Intuitive Life Coaching session to engage your circumstances more directly. (In person and virtual options available).
6. Responses will be in order of request. The Amount you pay will have NO EFFECT on the response time.
7. The first Wednesday with your Wisdom Responses will be September 7, 2022. Wisdom on Demand Wednesdays will be available every Wednesday unless notice is given otherwise. Watch the weekly schedule on the popup box when you initially access the web page or "Subscribe" from the HOME page to get weekly email updates of the schedule for the week.
Wisdom is earned through traversing life's journey. All wisdom comes with integrating new perspectives into our experience and applying those nuances in a way that resonates with us individually.
The same is true with the Wisdom Response. It will offer perspective options and help to awaken insights within you leading you to hear your own inner wisdom.
Think of it as a gate opener. You may agree with the perspectives offered, or disagree, or something in between. The answer won't be in the words I provide but in the response your soul has which will reveal the answers that were within you all along. Your reaction or response will be the key to unlocking your own personal truth.
Wisdom on Demand won't solve your problems for you but it may help open your connection with Self to hear your own inner wisdom more easily.
Wisdom on Demand Wednesdays exclusively at In Harmony Reiki and Inner Wellness.
In person sessions are currently on pause. Feel free to email to schedule life coaching sessions over the phone. Thank you!
*Reiki: 1 hr, or 1.5 hr w / Healing Integration
*30 min Personal Energy Reading
*Intuitive Life Coaching
Email/Call/Contact Me to schedule.
inharmony.life@gmail.com or book directly from www.inharmony.life
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